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Writer's pictureC.J. Riley aka Paul

Buckets of trials to oceans of miracles!

What a last few months it has been! Trials, trials, trials but then…miracles, miracles, miracles! One Word…one Name…JESUS!

From an unexpected/sudden move, to having my life threatened when delivering a food order, to another unexpected/sudden move, to our front brakes going out, then our car getting egged, just to mention a few things, it has indeed been trial after trial!

But in all this, we rejoice (James 1:2-4) because God has been ever so faithful in providing for us, protecting us & turning trials into good toward us (Romans 8:28)! We’ve experienced nothing less than God washing us with oceans of miracles from the buckets of sludge that the devil was splattering us with! There’s nothing left in us but to praise Jesus! Hallelujah! - Opposite of what the devil was trying to accomplish!

The devil was trying to discourage us, shut us up & he was trying to stop something big in our lives! He used people, circumstances, indirect & direct attacks on us. It reminds me of that song that says “The enemy did everything that he could do Oh, but look what You've done.”

Now, we know our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20) & that we are just transients here on this earth (this world is not our home), but it’s nice to have a “sanctuary” down here & to be with people that you share a mutual love & respect with. With that said, we believe God does give us a tent for a temporary sanctuary that we can call home, but the thing is, we didn’t know exactly where ours was anymore. Well, in writing you now while recovering from these trials, Anita & I can finally say “home sweet home!” We also finally get to be with our church family in person who has been with us through these trials & has helped us so very much! We love y’all! Thank you!

I want to encourage all of you to follow the Word of God (applying it to your day to day life), follow your Holy Spirit convictions, physically go to church, surround yourself with Godly people where God will use all of you to uplift, sharpen & counsel each other & to continue to tithe no matter what!

Anita & I are walking testimonies that God will NOT forsake you, He will lift you up, & even more, you WILL come out BETTER than you were! All glory to God!

And let me tell you…you know when you’re following Jesus because the devil will try & run you down & rob you (John 10:10), but I’m blessed to be here today to write to y’all! All these buckets of trials/sludge are the perfect opportunities to trust God & experience His miracles & blessings!

God makes all things new!

So with all that said, would you like to receive Jesus as your Savior like me & Anita did years ago? Would you like a guaranteed spot in heaven? Would you like to know that no matter what, it’s going to be ok?

Pray this prayer to the Lord:

Heavenly Father, forgive me of all my sins. Make me brand new. I believe Jesus died for me & rose again so I could live for You. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so I can know, serve, & follow You the rest of my life. My life is not my own—today I give it to You. Thank You for my new life! In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Congratulations! You are saved!

I also want to share two songs that God used to encourage Anita & I during these trials.

Both by Tasha Layton:

Look what you’ve done

It’s going to be ok

And you know what? With Jesus, it IS going to be ok!

If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my blog from the home page! Thank you & God bless!

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