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Happy Independence Day 2024!

Hello family & friends! It’s been a HOT summer thus far & we’re definitely looking forward to cooler days! With that said, as much as I would like to be outside grilling, you won’t catch me outside basking in today’s heat! It’s 82 degrees right now past 9:00am with a high of 95 for today. I’m a 70’s guy weather wise & sure wouldn’t mind it staying that way all year long LOL!

So since I can’t be outside grilling, I’ll be inside grilling on my mini George Foreman grill!

I’m making a surprise lunch for Anita, which will be revealed to her shortly once I’m done with this post LOL!

So what’s on the menu?

They say “a picture is worth a thousand words,” but since it’s not pictured, I’ll mention the cheddar broccoli rice I’ll be making as well! Dessert: 7-UP Cake. Yummo!

So with all that said…& pictured…ya’ll be safe celebrating our freedom…& stay cool!

If you haven’t already, please share this post & subscribe to my blog from the home page. God bless!

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Jul 04

Hope it’s not our last. The adversary would like to replace our fourth of July Independence Day and it’s His-Story with June 19th.

Hope and pray men and women of integrity stand up and work to defend our freedom from the adversary’s lies and deceit and our dependence upon God Almighty and our obedience to Him.

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Thank you for chiming in, Kit! It made me think of 1 Peter 2:16 which says, "16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God." Anita and I send our love to you.

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